Marque : The Modal Shop

  • 2004E-REP01

    Réparation Pot vibrant pour analyse modale 20N

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  • SDC009

    LS20 USB 2-Channel 20kHz analyzer for NDT-RAM applications

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  • SDC008

    LS94 USB 2-channel 94kHz analyzer for NDT-RAM applications

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  • S4A-3

    Universal transducer adaptor, circular plate for custom mounting holes to be drilled and tapped.

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  • RAM-UP11LK

    NDT-RAM V11 low frequency upgrade kit includes NDT-RAM software version 11, LS20 analyzer, and automation interface – trade in of old analyzer and microphone required

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  • RAM-UP11HK

    NDT-RAM V11 high frequency upgrade kit includes NDT-RAM software version 11, LS94 analyzer, automation interface, and high frequency miocrophone – trade in of old analyzer and microphone required

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    RAM-TEST series low frequency semi-automated resonant inspection system includes analyzer, microphone, hammer, industrial PC, NDT-RAM software, automation interface, installation & training (travel expenses separate)

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    RAM-TEST series low frequency semi-automated resonant inspection system includes analyzer, microphone, hammer, NDT-RAM software, automation interface, installation & training (travel expenses separate), PC not included

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    RAM-TEST series high frequency semi-automated resonant inspection system includes analyzer, microphone, hammer, industrial PC, NDT-RAM software, automation interface, installation & training (travel expenses separate)

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    Système d’inspection résonnant semi-automatisé haute fréquence – série RAM-TEST – comprend un analyseur, un microphone, un marteau, un logiciel NDT-RAM, une interface d’automatisation, une installation et une formation (frais de déplacement sépa

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    RAM-TEST series low frequency manual resonant inspection system includes analyzer, microphone, impact hammer, laptop PC, NDT-RAM software, installation & training (travel expenses separate)

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    RAM-TEST series low frequency manual resonant inspection system includes analyzer, microphone, impact hamme, NDT-RAM software, installation & training (travel expenses separate), PC not included

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    RAM-TEST series high frequency manual resonant inspection system includes analyzer, microphone, impact hamme, laptop PC, NDT-RAM software, installation & training (travel expenses separate)

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    Système d’inspection résonnant manuel haute fréquence – série RAM-TEST. Comprend un analyseur, un microphone, un marteau à percussion, un logiciel NDT-RAM, une installation et une formation (frais de déplacement séparés), PC non inclus

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    NDT-RAM test station for resonant inspection, includes test frame with 18×24 adjustable table (457cm x 610cm), analyzer, microphone, NDT-HAM3 automated industrial impactor, laptop PC with adjustable stand, NDT-RAM software, installation & traini

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    NDT-RAM test station for resonant inspection, includes test frame with 12×12 adjustable table (305cm x 305cm), analyzer, microphone, NDT-HAM3 automated industrial impactor, laptop PC with adjustable stand, NDT-RAM software, installation & traini

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