Marque : Larson Davis

  • TRP003


    Trépied de support, hauteur maximale de 8 pieds, utilisé dans les systèmes NMS portables.

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  • 831C


    SoundAdvisor modèle 831C, sonomètre de classe 1 sans microphone ni préamplificateur.

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  • 831

    Model 831 sound level meter for Environmental / Community Noise including AnyData and Voice Annotation, without microphone or preamplifier .

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  • EPS2116


    Protection environnementale pour les préamplificateurs de 1/2 pouce (PRMLXT ou PRM831), avec pare-vent, dessiccateur et pointe anti-oiseaux. Options de montage pour filetage 1/4-20 (TRP001), tube de 1,5 pouce (TRP003) et tuyau NPT de 3/4 pouce inclus

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  • ADP109


    Adaptateur de microphone de 1/4 de pouce pour une ouverture de 1/2 de pouce dans CAL200 et CAL150 prenant en charge le Spartan 730 et d’autres microphones de 1/4 de pouce.

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    Software to automatically stream a selected metric from the 831C over a network connection. Metric is stored in a file. Used for putting sound levels on scoreboards.

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  • GPS002

    GPS dongle with USB connection for SoundAdvisor Model 831C. Does not work with Model 831.

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  • DVX017

    USB Bluetooth donge for use with Spartan 730, 730IS, 721 and 821. Compatible with Windows 10 and 11. Does not work with Windows 7 or earlier

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  • CAL1250

    Class 1 acoustic calibrator with 1 in opening and output of 94 or 114 dB re 20 uPa at 251.2 or 1000 Hz. Includes adapter for 1/2 in microphones and calibration certificate

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  • CAL1200

    Class 1 acoustic calibrator with user selectable output of 94 or 114 dB at 1 kHz. 1/2 in. opening. (no adapter). Includes calibration certificate

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  • CAL1150

    Class 2 acoustic calibrator with user selectable output of 94 or 114 dB at 1 kHz. 1/2 in. opening. (no adapter). Includes calibration certificate

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  • ADP119

    1/4 inch screw in microphone adapter for CAL1250

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  • ADP118

    1/2 inch screw in microphone adapter for CAL1250. The CAL200 and CAL150 adapters for 3/8 inch mics (ADP031), 1/4 inch mics (ADP109) and 1/8 inch mics (ADP095) can be used with the ADP118.

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  • ADP117

    1 inch screw in microphone adapter for CAL1250. The CAL250 adapters for 1/2 inch mics (ADP019), 3/8 inch mics (ADP020), 1/4 inch mics (ADP021) and 1/8 inch mics (ADP023) can be used with the ADP117.

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  • 730IS-PK05-USAF

    Spartan 730IS noise dosimeter kit for USAF with five dosimeters, CAL150 calibrator with one adapter, 1/1 octave filters (730-OB1), no bluetooth (730-NBT), and rugged case with built-in wireless Qi charger. Includes calibration certificates

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    Carte de circuit interne pour les modèles 721 et 821 utilisée pour connecter le préamplificateur à la carte de circuit principal.

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